Blues Music Inspires a Disabled Vietnam Vet

Blues Music Inspires a Disabled Vietnam Vet
June 28, 2009

Don Smissaert, a Seattle native and Vietnam veteran, says blues music makes him feel alive. That's why he's come to Reno for the El Dorado Brews and Blues Festival.

Smisseart believes the music makes him feel alive. "Blues is the soul of your life. Blues talks to ya."

The veteran received several injuries while overseas, and now his leg use is minimal. Still, that doesn't stop him from hitting the dance floor.

"It makes you healthy."

Blues music also helps Smisseart escape from his tumultuous past. "You might say I went through...pardon my expression...Hell."
Smisseart chuckles to himself as he reflects on how he escaped after being a POW for six months.

At the Blues Festival, Don loves the performers, the energy, and the beat of the music. He believes it keeps him dancing...
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