KMUD: Blues Influence

KMUD: Blues Influence
Blues Influence

Blues Boy Bob Hosts:
"Blues Influence" every other Tues. -1 to 2:30 PM on
KMUD, Garberville, CA 91.1 FM
KMUE, Eureka/Arcata- 88.3 FM
KLAI, Laytonville-90.3 FM
Shelter Cove-99.5 FM
on the internet at:
Where you'll hear blues and blues influenced music and "truth sung to power on the 2 o'clock hour."
From my listeners, it would be great to hear the type of blues that you like and why blues music speaks, or should I say, "sings" to you. I would also love to factor in your ideas and blues music interests when preparing my show.

Although it's sometimes hard to play requests while I'm doing my show live, I would love for you to e-mail requests for future shows, so for song/artists requests or to just plain say "hello" e-mail meThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it
If you know of local upcoming blues events/performances e-mail meThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .

If you are a local blues musician or a blues musician traveling through Southern Humboldt and would like to be interviewed, on-air, or perform live in studio during my show, e-mail meThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .
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